Farm Vets Services in Ayrshire

All routine work performed

Farm Vets Services in Ayrshire All Routine work performed Castration, Dehorning, disease management etc. Lambings, Calvings and treatment of all sick animals.

Routine fertility work with BCF easi-scan Ultrasound scanner

Routine fertility visits – weekly, monthly or just when you need us. Used for early pregnancy diagnosis and to diagnose problems in non-cyclers or repeat breeders.

Herd health Plans & mastitis investigations

We will come on farm and discuss any herd or flock health issues you have and help you formulate a plan to improve. Testing for herd/flock health accreditation schemes carried out. Johnes management plans by qualified vets.

Bull & Tup Breeding Soundness Examinations

Semen collection using artificial ejaculator. Full breeding soundness examinations can be carried out, pre sale, pre breeding season or for suspect animals.

Official Veterinary (O.V.) work (formerly L.V.I.)

Official Veterinary (O.V.) work (formerly L.V.I.)

On farm routine & emergency surgical procedures carried out

Caesereans, LDA surgery/toggling, Amputations, stitch-ups etc.

Analysis of on farm records

Helps detect areas for improvement in production.

24 hour emergency cover

24 hour emergency on-call cover provided by our own Vets.

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