What do they look like and where do they live?
- Ticks have eight legs rather than six, and their bodies are composed of only two sections
- Ixodes ricinus is the most common tick in the UK and Ireland
- They are generally found in rural areas
How can my pet contract ticks?
- Ticks lie in wait in vegetation and attach to dogs or cats as they brush past
- They are most prevalent in long grass and in areas where there are a lot of sheep or deer grazing
How will this parasite affect my pet?
- Ticks have highly developed mouthparts, which allow them to pierce a hole through the skin and feed on blood
- They can cause reactions at the site of attachment
- Ticks may cause anaemia if there is a severe infestation in a young animal
- The most important risk associated with ticks is the diseases they can transmit, e.g. Lyme Disease in the UK and Ireland
- Diseases such as Babesiosis and Ehrlichioisis can be transmitted to pets travelling abroad, therefore regular tick treatment for travelling pets is important
How do I prevent and treat ticks?
- There are several different Spot-on preparations available to repel and treat ticks. Please contact us at the surgery to discuss the best treatment options for your pet.
- Removal of ticks is important as soon as you notice them as they can spread other diseases to your pet. We can remove these at the surgery with a special tool.
Can this parasite affect my health?
- Ticks can also attach themselves to humans
- Ticks can transmit tick-borne diseases to humans